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Ad hoc CNC navigating online


Yachting enthusiasts but also professions now have available a new tool for producing vessel components and parts. To find out, just surf the net to the site, the first Italian e-commerce site offering online CNC operations with free estimates in real time. The latest innovation on the platform are the new materials copper and bronze which, together with aluminium and brass, further enriche the range of metals suitable for making boat components. Components for electrical systems, nuts and bolts, spare parts and hinges can be ordered with a few clicks, uploading to projects created with the most widespread 3-D design software. The advantages offered by this e-commerce site which is unique of its kind our immediate feedback on feasibility and estimates, the possibility of ordering a single component, rapid delivery and extreme quality given production that is rigorously made in Italy.

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Architecture & Yachts

The Dynaship Yacht Design working group brings the concept of TurnkeyProjects to