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British Bachmann Group will show off at next Monaco Yacht Show


Bachmann_crew-trainingThe Bachmann Group‘s Yachting Division, already present at the Cannes Yachting Festival, will also be representing itself at the Monaco Yacht Show.
Bachmann, with over 40 years of experience in yachting and marine field, offers a complete package of services in consultancy for the maximization of the potential of the owners’ vessels, so that the owners can enjoy full advantages of their yachts with fewer worries about practical or bureaucratic issues.
Talking about the last achievement by Bachmann, they have recently contracted two more prestigious charter yachts under their management -the 65 metre MY La Sultana and the 26 metre Custom Line Ferretti MY La Pausa-, they re-opened a used training school, completed with success a raft of in-house quality audits, and became members of British Marine and Superyacht UK.
Gary Le Cras, the group’s head of yachting, joined the Bachmann Group already with a solid background in yacht management and providing fiscal/corporate services: he now heads up a team which benefits from the company’s 40 year background in maritime services, handling yacht registrations, purchases, sales and yacht ownership structuring, both for EU and Non-EU owners. This total service concept extends to crew employment and payroll (Bachmann is licensed and audited under the MLC), crew training, recruitment and placement, thus supporting owners through every aspect of yachting life.
The British group will be available for consultations at the upcoming Monaco Yacht Show.



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