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The Chamber of Arbitration for Leisure Boating


Camera ArbitraleLast week the Italian Chamber of Arbitration for Leisure Boating of the Italian Nautical League was first presented at the University of Rome.
With the creation of the Chamber of Arbitration a reference for those who work in the leisure boating industry has been established to solve controversies without having to take legal actions.
The Chamber of Arbitration of the Italian Nautical League is part of the Cultural Legal Nautical Centre, also founded by the L.N.I. The aim of the Chamber, whose president will be Spyros Mazarakis, is not to act as arbitrator, but to organize arbitrations. It will be the Chamber to call the most qualified arbitrators for each controversy. Shipyards, brokers, builders and private citizens will be able to insert the arbitration clause in their purchase or construction agreements with reference to the Chamber of Arbitration for Leisure Boating and this, in case of controversy, will help them to solve it quickly and at controller prices, without having to wait the well-known slowness of the Italian civil justice or without having to address chambers of arbitrations in London.



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