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Alloyed steel plates for naval shipbuilding applications


Bisalloy_steelAustralian-based Bisalloy Steels, with more than 35 years of experience, is a renowned manufacturer of quenched and tempered armour steel plate, as well as high-strength, high-toughness steel plate for naval shipbuilding applications.
The steel owns very useful characteristics such as strength, toughness and shock-loading impact resistance, but it is also readily cold-formed, fabricated and welded.
The industrial processes utilized by Bisalloy both strengthen and harden the specially alloyed steel plate, with two main phases: quenching and tempering. The combination of thesetwo processes, combined with a specialised and highly refined alloying that produces stronger and tougher steel with good fabrication properties, makes it also ductile, tough and perfectly suitable for shipbuilding applications.
High strength and high-toughness steels (such as HY 80 and HY 100 to US specification) is currently in use for the manufacture of frigates, air warfare destroyers, helicopter landing dock vessels and other large naval vessels.
Bisalloy Steels supplied the steel for the hulls of Australia’s six Collins Class Submarines for the Australian Submarine Corporation, providing more than 8,000t of quenched and tempered steel plate to a uniquely designed Bisplate grade. This plate is a micro-alloyed, high-yield stress and weldable steel with low-temperature impact properties.
Bisalloy Steels is an approved facility to manufacture armour steel plates by defence authority in various countries: the company has supported Australian and global defence companies servicing civilian and military customers in Asia through the Middle East, Europe and North America.
Bisalloy armour plates comply with US MIL-DTL standards used as the specifications for the manufacture of armour steel plates worldwide.