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Sailing to Rome – a new event for the nautical industry in Lazio


sailingtoromeA new international event for the promotion of the nautical industry in Italy has been announced: the first edition of Sailing to Rome will be taking place in Darsena di Fiumicino in October, from 12th to 16th. The aim of the event is to show how lively the industry is in Italy and Lazio, with plenty of companies that could represent the Made in Italy over the world, and to enhance new commercial deals among international companies.
To the same objectives have long been working Fedex, the association who organized the event, and the Region Lazio, Lazio Innova who supported the project financially, and the Municipality of Fiumicino.
Sailing to Rome, even though at its first edition, has the ambition to become one of the major event for the sector of the sea economy and to be a valid contribution to the relaunch of the Italian nautical industry.
According to the fifth Report on the Economy of the Sea by Unioncamere 2016, 185’000 companies in Italy work in the blue economy, which represent 3% of the whole Italian companies. Lazio, with the 5.1% of the nautical industry-related companies, is the third region after Liguria and Sardinia. And, with about a million workers in the sector, the economy of the sea in Italy is having an increasing success in the international market. Occupation and internationalization are the main focuses on which the event have been organized: shipyards, refitting, accessories, designers, dealers and brokers, logistics and ports, the fishing industry and tourism, from hotels, beaches and marinas, will be represented at the Sailing to Rome event.  Research and innovation will also be a leading part of the event, thanks to the presence of Insean of CNR, which will present their project Res Mare and innovative start-ups such as Edopera, a start-up producing carbon-fibre components for the nautical industry, awarded with a prize for its creativity by the Region Lazio.



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