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Katia Balducci confirmed as President of Navigo

navigo company

navigo toscana nautical companyKatia Balducci, CEO of Overmarine Group, has been confirmed as NAVIGO President as a result of the unanimous vote during the Associates’ meeting which took place in the Gardens of Villa Borbone in Viareggio, made available by the Municipality of Viareggio.

The Board supporting Ms. Balducci, confirms Andrea Giannecchini, Cna Lucca President as vice President and Michela Fucile Confartigianato President and Carmelo Sgro, Sgro Group, as counselors. Marco Tomei has been confirmed in his role of institutions representative and – as a new entry in the board Paolo Poletti, Guardia di Finanza former General, expert in travel security, business economic and security intelligence.

Financial statements

About the Financial Statements, 2020 closed positively, despite the cancellation of many events due to pandemic, such as Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous and YARE, which shifted to its first digital edition.

The 2020 final balance comes to 1 Mln 356 €, taking into consideration also the performances done for Rete Penta, Tuscan Technological Nautical District. Focusing on the developed European Projects, the main topics which have been faced are the green Charter, strategic professions, transports and iOt automation – a national project to develope an intelligent buoy and a fluid dynamic improvement – some regional projects to digitalize platforms tracking systems, tools to improve routes and new materials.

1200 meetings organized between companies, finance and research for the Nautical District; 1,5 Mln € services provided and 15 Mln € obtained in project financing.

Statements of the meeting

Last year and the current year have been difficult and changing – underlines President Katia Balducci – we had to face up with a different work system, changing the way NAVIGO used to offer services and this opened many new opportunities for us. I’m glad that NAVIGO Assembly confirmed me for another mandate and I want to thank all our employees and collaborators about how they handled this difficult phase working hard to keep satisfactory results and allowing NAVIGO to reach new opportunities even if in home working”.

“Despite the decrease caused by the lack of events, some of our projects have grown – says Pietro Angelini, NAVIGO director – for example custom services for supply chain business, marketing and internationalization, temporary management. Companies from Apulia, Sicily and Sardinia called us to develop clusters like ours. During this 13 years, NAVIGO decided to follow a path establishing itself regionally, nationally and, now, in the European scenario by participating in the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR). We are able to meet the future challenges thanks to our know-how, our relations and our competences”.



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