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“Piano Mare Pulito”: starting today 6 new “Sistema Pelikan” sea-sweeping boats in the Calabrian Tyrrhenian Sea

Piano Mare Pulito

The project was presented in Vibo Valentia, the service active until 26 August. Tortora-Scalea; Diamante-Bonifati; Piedmontese-Albanian Falconara Guard; Amantea-Gizzeria; Pizzo-Zambrone and Tropea-Foce river Mesima are the affected areas. This anti-pollution naval group is one of the biggest in the Mediterranean area today.

“Piano Mare Pulito”

A fleet of 6 new “Pelikan System” sea-sweeping boats will be used by the Calabria Region, from today and until 26 August, for the cleaning of the stretches of water on the Tyrrhenian coast between the Municipalities of Tortora and Nicotera.

It is one of the actions implemented by the Giunta Occhiuto as part of the interventions to defend the Calabrian sea. Already last summer the Region had successfully tested the use of these boats in the stretch of sea between Scalea and Tortora.

The presentation of the new project

The regional administration has thus decided to intensify this activity, also for the 2023 bathing season, through the use of 6 new boats along 6 coastal sections of the Tyrrhenian coast: Tortora-Scalea; Diamante-Bonifati; Piedmontese-Albanian Falconara Guard; Amantea-Gizzeria; Pizzo-Zambrone and Tropea-Foce river Mesima.

The project was presented in the conference room of the Port Authority of Vibo Valentia, in the presence of the director general of the Environment Department of the Calabria Region, Salvatore Siviglia and the CEO of the “Garbage Group” Paolo Baldoni, the company awarded the regional tender which will make the fleet of boats available and will manage the cleaning activities in the sea.

“Sistema Pelikan” sea-sweeping boats

Also present were the Head of the Maritime Department and Commander of the Port of Vibo Valentia, Luigi Spalluto; the general manager of Calabria Verde, Giuseppe Oliva; the rup of the Environment department, Antonio Droise and Valentina Cundari of the Port System Authority of Gioia Tauro.

After the positive experience of last year, we are returning to the beautiful Calabria, but this time we present ourselves with an entire fleet of “Sistema Pelikan” boats. In 2022 we achieved admirable results in the waters between Scalea and Tortora, but this 2023 with 6 boats we will in fact be able to cover the entire Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria. A task force whose environmental mission is to safeguard and clean up the Calabrian waters and, at the same time, a monitoring and deterrence function to the benefit of the regional tourist economy. The boats equipped with drones for the surveillance and detection of floating waste at sea, submarine ROVs to scan the seabed and geo-reference waste and anti-pollution kits for foams, hydrocarbons, fatty and oily substances on the surface and semi-submerged make the vessel a real “Pelikan System” which allows the collection of all kinds of waste at sea, in particular plastic. The use of a naval group of these proportions has no equal in the Mediterranean today, placing Calabria as the most virtuous region in the world in protecting and defending the health of the sea. Paolo Baldoni, CEO of Garbage Group

pelikan system

Features of the boats

The boats, designed and suitably equipped for depolluting activities at sea, will be equipped with suitable hydraulic-mechanical devices for cleaning, even in confined spaces, the coastal stretches of water indicated above by collecting solid materials (floating and semi-submerged waste) and special on-board devices (separator or skimmer) for the removal of greasy and oily substances on the sea surface (e.g. oil, waste water, grey/black water optional).

sea-sweeping boats

The Region is strongly committed to defending the Calabrian sea, making the purifiers efficient and activating monitoring systems that allow us to check the state of the water. In addition to the activation of the six sea cleaning boats, the Department of the Environment, at the instigation of President Occhiuto, has put in place new important actions for this summer season, including: a further 10 million euros destined for 46 Municipalities in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian to complete the refurbishment of the plants; intelligence room that will monitor the coasts with drones; self-bleeder activity monitoring; controls by Arpacal; river surveillance; supervision of the activities of the self-purging vehicles which must be equipped with GPS.Salvatore Siviglia, Environment Department of the Calabria Region