Seatec, alongside with Compotec, organised by CarraraFiere, opened its doors yesterday for its 2016 edition (the 14th for Seatec and the 8th for Compotec). In the two expositions, one can breathe optimism, thanks to the growing interest in the maritime industry and market, fully confirmed by the latest boat shows.
The nautical district from La Spezia to Livorno represents the highest concentration of the yacht production in the world. In 2016 the Global Order Book by the American magazine ShowBoats confirmed the Italian leadership in superyacht building for more than 24 metres long superyachts, with a percentage of 42% and with more than 280 orders, for an economic value that is equal to the ones of the Netherlands, Turkey , the USA and the whole Asian continent altogether. In this district 170 superyachts are build, which is equal to the 60% of the Italian fleet currenty under construction. 13 shipyards are active in this district, and two of them are on top of the ranking (1st and 2nd place), while other 6 are among the first 30 shipyards in the world and 5 among the the first 50. Here’s why this is the best geographical context where to hold such an event as the Seatec exposition, right halfway between Livorno and Genoa, through Viareggio and Pisa, where the most famous shipyards in the world are located.
Seatec is the International Exhibition of Technology Subcontracting and Design for Boats, Yachts and Ships.
Now in its 14th edition, Seatec is the only exhibition in Italy dedicated to companies that deal with provision for yachting and shipbuilding, a must for professionals who find here the best of what the industry has to offer in terms of components, mechanics, engines and propulsion systems, electronics and home automation, raw materials, engineering and design, sailing equipment, services.
Seatec is not only a show where the newest technologies and products are displayed, but also a platform where to meet, to get insights from experts, to share ideas in a perspective of common growth for the whole sector.
Seatech 2016 also organizes the 3rd edition of the project Medvillage, an area dedicated to accessories and components of the foreign countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and the sixth edition of Yare – Yacht After sales & Refit Experience, about the refit sector which is becoming more and more strategic in the nautical industry.
Thanks to the collaboration with Ice/Ita, Italian Trade Agency, the occasions for encounters between
national and international companies are enhanced, through a B2b match-making among exhibitors.
Moreover, two prestigious awards will be awarded to exhibitors who manage to bring to the event the best design outputs and technology innovation (the MYDA Millennium Yacht Design Award, the Qualitec Technology and the Qualitec Design Awards).

Innovation and great traditions. A complex but stimulating balance
With the presentation of the Polaris 48 and Saturno 56 projects, and the signing for the construction of a 37.5-m custom-built yacht, the relaunch of the historic Cantieri di Pisa takes shape.