In a sector strongly focused on aesthetics and attention to details, it is essential that what is not seen properly works in order to grant maximum safety. This is Comparato’s mantra.
Although they are hidden in engine rooms, technical rooms, or hydraulic plants, Comparato actuated valves for the industrial sector are developed specifically to guarantee the best performances when they enter into play. They are designed to work outdoors and in aggressive environments.

Thanks to severe tests and an experience of more than 55 years, the company has reached high-quality standards in terms of reliability, quality, and performance: this is why its products are well-known on board ships, yachts, and boats. They are particularly indicated for the naval sector where humidity, vibrations, and salts make the working conditions heavy.
Comparato motorized valves guarantee maximum reliability in the boat’s seacocks as they manage an important process when the boat is moored, automatically closing the valves.
Opening and closing the seacocks through Comparato motorized valves has several advantages, for instance, you can automate components difficult to reach and activate; moreover, by using motorized valves, you can rotate the valve frequently, which avoids the hardening of the ball due to the action of salt, encrustations, and particular conditions in the bilge.

Which are the features on which Comparato actuated valves’ reliability is based?
ALL IN ONE or Proportional Electrical Control
With the ALL IN ONE electrical control, you can select 2-point or 3-point. One single actuator can work ON-OFF, that is interception or diverting, or modulating if we talk about regulation and mixing. Proportional piloting is not missing: the precise position of the valve can be set according to required flow. A rotative valve works as a regulation device with the V-shaped ball with all advantages of ball valves such as no leakage.

Anti-Condensation System
Actuators can be subjected to very high differences in temperature between inside and outside of the casing. A quick temperature decrease can involve a depression between the internal of the actuator and external environment: the pressure tends to balance and consequently, the hot external humid air enters the actuator condensing on colder components. When this situation keeps happening, the created water accumulation can damage electrical components of the actuator. The anti-condensing kit (available for IP67 range) includes a heating resistance that avoids temperature decrease inside the actuator and a ventilation cable gland that balances inside and outside pressure.
High Reliability and Longevity
All internal or external metallic components are made of stainless steel to grant longer service life and reliability. To grant higher seals, there is a double o-ring on the control rod (a component that is subjected to a rotating force and therefore at risk of seepage). The high-performance gearbox has a break-resistant structure in the event of valve block because of foreign objects. Everything is designed for the maximum lifetime.

Positioning Feedback
2 voltage-free micro switches or a 0-10 V voltage signal indicate valve position to get feedback on the real reached position. This is an important function for system safety and reliability.
Spacer for Insulation with Manual Opening
The actuator and the valve coupling can be direct or with a spacer to simplify the installation of pipes and fluid distribution components insulation. This spacer can be supplied with manual opening. This particular part releases the actuator from the valve that can be manually handled in case of extraordinary operations on plants or emergency.
Not Only Water, But Also Blends
Comparato offers different kinds of valves whose technical features are chosen according to the fluid: stainless steel, PVC, cast iron, and butterfly models that are resistant to corrosion, salt and are suitable for marine applications with temperatures from -20°C to 110°C (160°C with spacer).

Extremely Fast Operating Times: Up to 1 sec for a 90° Rotation
Operating times for a 90° rotation are different and change according to specific applications: from the fastest DC version (1 second for 90°) up to standard (35 seconds) or slower (320 seconds) operations.
Integration of the Regulator in the Actuated Valve
The MIX range has been designed for the mixing of two fluids with different temperatures and the actuators are provided with an integrated regulator: thanks to an easy and user-friendly display it is possible to set the required temperature and the actuator maintains the temperature constant thanks to the probe on the 3-way valve outlet. The regulation is precise and reliable, installation is extremely easy and actuators are simple to use.
SMART PRO actuators can communicate with other devices thanks to a Modbus serial connection or to a Wi-Fi connection (with on-field or remote control). This characteristic leads to several advantages, such as installations in hard-to-reach places, simplified configuration thanks to mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) or to BMS control units, optimization of monitoring actions as the actuator’s functions can be checked anytime and improvement of diagnostics via error reporting and notification of functioning times. It is also possible to give remote opening and closing controls.
The system can accumulate energy to position the actuator to a safe position in case of power failure. The energy is stored by using a supercapacitor which can carry out an open, close, or middle operation, granting fast charging times and reliability over time.