The first edition of the One Ocean Forum for the preservation of the marine environment will be held in Milan, at the Teatro Franco Parenti, on October 3rd – 4th, 2017.
One Ocean Forum has been conceived as an independent and non-political institution providing a moment for sharing, cooperation and the raising of awareness about environmental sustainability. It is intended to become a regular event to promote effective actions related to marine preservation, to involve several stakeholders including companies, scientific institutions, no profit organisations and internationally famous influencers.
The aim is to launch an international dialogue on ocean sustainability, creating a network of “intelligence” and identifying best practices in order to raise awareness about the issues affecting the marine ecosystem, as well as to enhance innovative projects providing sustainable solutions for the marine environment.
The major topics of the first edition of the One Ocean Forum will be:
Microplastics – Recent studies have revealed enormous quantities of plastics and microplastics in all oceans and seas. Data suggest the presence of at least 5 trillion individual fragments, most of them smaller than 5mm and posing serious threats to marine food webs and ecosystems.
Climate change – The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, largely caused by human activity, is coupled with an increase in dissolved carbon dioxide in the oceans. The resulting progressive acidification of ocean waters has a significant impact on marine food web and on the health and preservation of marine habitats.
Blue technologies and innovation – Established maritime activities, such as the construction and maintenance of ships, the transportation of offshore gas and oil, fishing, shipping, as well as blue biotechnology, aquaculture and renewable energy, contribute to the maritime economy. One of the main challenges in bringing innovation to the economy and leveraging the results of scientific research in maritime industries is the implementation of new technologies.
Ocean Literacy – Ocean Literacy means awareness of how the ocean affects our lives and how we affect the ocean. The approach is based on seven ‘pillars’ which include education and communication to promote a culture of protection of the marine environment. Ocean Literacy is an initiative recognized by the United Nations.
The Forum involves speakers from the world of academia who have carried out significant scientific research projects and held leading roles in international groups of experts on themes related to One Ocean.
Among them: Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO; François Bailet, Senior Legal Officer, Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea, UN; Sam Dupont, Researcher in Marine Eco-Physiology, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg; Maria Cristina Fossi, Professor of Ecology and Ecotoxicology, Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, University of Siena.
One of the aims of this first edition of the One Ocean Forum is to create a shared document, the Charta Smeralda, to outline principles, ideas and solutions for the protection of the marine environment. Such a document is of fundamental importance to reach out to the general public and to experts and stakeholders, highlighting the sense of urgency in relation to marine and coastal ecosystems.
The Charta is mainly addressed to those who love the sea and nautical sports, whose lives and passions are intertwined with the sea, and to the organizations that promote and support them (yacht clubs, tourist ports, marinas). It encourages all players to undertake immediate and appropriate actions.
One Ocean Forum is promoted and organized by Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS), in partnership with UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and SDA Bocconi School of Management to celebrate, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, YCCS’s commitment towards marine preservation.
Among the most relevant partners and supporters, there are: The British Virgin Islands -BVI, the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Coni, SYBAss, Nautica Italiana, Ucina- Confindustria Nautica, the Genoa International Boat Show and Centro Velico di Caprera.