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Sanitrade Revolutionizes marine waste management


Sanitrade, founded in 1998 as a distribution agency representing manufacturing companies of high technological systems in the marine industry, now specializes in complete and customized wastewater and waste treatment solutions for the marine industry.

Recently, the company introduced SANISHREDDER SSH 130: a waste treatment product designed to minimize overall dimensions and stabilize microbial components of accumulated waste. It is primarily used for treating all types of waste produced onboard ships.

SANISHREDDER is a multipurpose waste reducer capable of reducing the volume and weight of various waste types including food waste,glass, plastic, cardboard, tins/cans, and unsorted waste. The machine offers 6 different cycles depending on the waste inserted, and it can also dry and stabilize food and mixed waste.

SANISHREDDER consolidates the functions of 4-5 standard machines usually installed onboard, and it has been tested and approved by ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), obtaining the PDA Product Design Assessment certification for its purposes.

Its advantages include strong waste volume reduction, considerable weight reduction, waste microbial stabilization, improvement in waste management, elimination of the need for cold storage rooms, savings in waste disposal, good energy performance, and enhancement of onboard living conditions.