2016 is a landmark year for LOFRANS’, we are celebrating 50 years since our first windlass was produced, and we are very proud. Hundreds of thousands of windlasses have been produced and mounted on boats over the past 50 years making LOFRANS’ a leader and a pioneer in the market. We are continuing with respect to LOFRANS’ history and yet we have set our sights to the future, firmly and sustainable we shall continue the great heritage. Head over to www.lofrans.com you will discover a more user-friendly, faster and easier to navigate website. It is important to us to share information regarding solutions, services and products for those who visit LOFRANS’. A special new feature, “Choose your new windlass” tool provides an easy way to match a LOFRANS’ according to your boat’s needs. Another great feature, all products are connected to their accessories by choosing the tab “related products”.

Compass Marine: innovation and technology in nautical gangways
With over 15 years of experience in the maritime sector, Compass Marine,