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Si rafforza l’azione di internazionalizzazione della CMC Marine: consolidata la partnership in Turchia con la BTS Marin di Tusla, le […]

Yachting enthusiasts but also professions now have available a new tool for producing vessel components and parts. To find out, […]

Ts Drive Srl, the company that owns the “Topsystem Surface Drive” brand, has installed on a number of Pershing model […]

Opac, a Turin company in the forefront of design and production of coverings for boats and yachts, supplier to the […]

Furuno Italia presents the new model GP-39 GPS receiver. It replaces the GP-32 monochromatic LCD model which for years was the […]

Coelmo Integra Plus is a new system for managing energy sources on board, including renewable sources, that has been completely redesigned […]

L’azienda Moreschi progetta e realizza portoni scorrevoli, a libro e ad apertura verticale di grandi dimensioni per cantieri navali. Tre […]

Nella tenuta su alberi e organi rotanti l’attrito ha un ruolo importante in quanto oltre all’usura provoca riscaldamento e perdita […]

In view of the growing demand in the shipping industry for products that permit use without limits, Comparato Nello S.r.l. has […]

Mondial è in prima fila per la fornitura ai cantieri italiani delle unità a bloccaggio idraulico ETP Transmission montate su […]