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Garmin Italia, a unit of Garmin Ltd.,  announced that its popular Panoptix all-seeing sonar technology is now available with a […]

A Danish-led three-year maritime innovation project financed by the EU and launched in May 2015, EfficienSea2, is seeing consistent progresses […]

Van Oossanen, a Dutch company working on naval architecture, fluid dynamics and hull vane design, announced they are expanding their activities […]

Tsakos Group’s newly established training centre, the Maria Tsakos TCM Academy in Athens, has been provided of K-Sim Navigation and […]

Cavotec MoorMaster Ltd has developed an automated vessel mooring system which enables ships to be held securely to harbour quays by […]

Boats in GRP, glass fibre reinforced plastics, generally known as fibreglass, are an environmental problem because at the end of […]

Composite technology has had and continues to have one of its strongest points in the simplicity of materials assembly, a […]

Making available new eco-compatible propulsion systems for yachting: this is the objective of the energy Power cluster project, under way […]

A marine propeller is normally fitted to the stern of the vessel where it operates in water that has been […]

This was the subject of an interesting convention held by the Lombardy section of atena and hosted, as were the […]