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UCINA – a meeting in Venice to discuss the future of the nautical sector


venice_casinoUCINA’s annual convention Satec will take place at the Venice Casino (Ca’Vendramin Calergi) next week, on on June 17th.
The event, called “A year for the nautical industry. New opportunities”, will be an occasion for the main actors in the nautical sector to discuss the perspectives of the maritime markets.
Marco Taisch, Professor of the Department of Engineering Management and president of Holonix, spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano (efficiency and optimization of the productive processes). Taisch will explain how the productive efficiency of the nautical sector is a mean to enhance the companies which want to be more competitive on the market and which could grow and develop their realities.
“I am very happy and honoured to take part and bring my contribution to Ucina’s annual event” – he said –“ My passion for the sea and for the Italian manufacturing leads me to believe that the nautical sector can and should evolve and become 4.0, bringing the greatest value of the Made in Italy all over the world.”
During the event, different support tools for the companies, the investment opportunities, the tax exemptions for the purchase of goods and for hiring, the valorization of the brand, the reorganization of the company, the relaunch of the leasing and the perspective on foreign markets will be presented.
Other speakers include: Pier Paolo Baretta (Undersecretary for Economy and Finances), Fabio Lapecorella (General Manager of the Financial Department), Ernesto Carbone (Office responsible of Customs Regimes and Border Trades), Luca Costa Sanseverino (Co-founder of F3Bas), Gianluca de Candia (General Manager of Assilea, the Italian Leasing Association), and Carla Demaria (UCINA’s President).
Later on the same day, UCINA’s shareholders’ annual meeting and the 27th edition of “I Pionieri della Nautica” (The pioneers of the nautical industry) will also take place.



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