This is a strategic collaboration – in the nautical, port, logistics and technology sectors and on everything related to the economy of the sea – which aims to develop and support development projects and processes in favor of companies in Tuscany and Liguria, where the main Italian nautical districts are located.
This is what is foreseen by the agreement signed – in recent days – between NAVIGO, the service center for the development and innovation of the nautical sector, leader of the manager of the Technological District for Nautical and Ports of Tuscany and the LIGURIAN DISTRICT OF MARINE TECHNOLOGIES.
Navigo and the Ligurian District believe the interaction with the actors of the innovation ecosystem linked to the nautical and port sector is very strategic, due to the important repercussions on the sea economy with the aim of creating economic, technological and cultural value in the Mediterranean area.
Join forces for the Italian marine industry

An agreement – for the three-year period 2022 – 2025 – which will implement joint actions on scientific collaboration, research and consulting, technology transfer and knowledge enhancement activities, offering specialized and innovative support to strengthen existing companies and encourage the birth of new ones entrepreneurial activities with a high technological content.
Studies and mappings are planned for territorial marketing, joint initiatives to promote and search for funding at EU, national and regional level to encourage the internationalization of businesses, participation in R&D projects and for training.
More vision, more strategy, more opportunities
“With the signing of this agreement – underlines Katia Balducci, NAVIGO president – we have started a collaboration that we believe is of great interest to all the companies operating in the sector in both regions. By combining know-how and commitment with the DLTM, we will work in favor of what, in fact, is a single large nautical district that goes from Livorno to La Spezia and beyond where there are companies and shipyards of great international prestige “.

“More vision, more strategy, more opportunities for the companies belonging to our District and for those belonging to Navigo – comments the president of the LIGURE DISTRICT OF MARINE TECHNOLOGIES Lorenzo Forcieri.
“This signature is a further step forward in the unity of intent that already has marked the flourishing relationships between our realities. It starts from here, in the name of competitiveness and excellence, and concrete foundations are laid to cement an important sector of the Blue Economy that is already a reality, putting it into a system and increasing the possibility of interaction for the companies that are part of it “.
NAVIGO based in Tuscany is one of the main centers of innovation and development in Europe with over 150 direct associated companies.
The company coordinates RETE PENTA, managing body of the Technological District for the Nautical and Ports of Tuscany. This is in turn participated by over 350 companies including the main shipyards in the area, suppliers, yacht managers, shore and dock service companies, ports and major trade associations.
On behalf of the Tuscany Region, it carries out support activities for companies to improve the competitiveness and technologies of Industry 4.0; Navigo is also a founding member of the higher education foundation “ISYL – ITALIAN SUPER YACHT LIFE“, a member of the NATIONAL TRANSPORT ITALY 2020 TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER and of the BLUE ITALIAN GROWTH NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER.
Finally, it participates in the WG MARE table for the creation of technological roadmaps for the MIUR and the European sector programs.
About DLTM
The LIGURE DISTRICT OF MARINE TECHNOLOGIES represents the meeting point between scientific and technological supply and demand between companies and the research system present in Liguria and supports start-ups and spin-offs in the marine technologies sector.
It carries out institutional activities and searches for funding for research and innovation activities; favors the activation of innovative projects shared between the research system and businesses; promotes the qualification of human capital through continuous training and the development of specialized skills in the scientific and technological fields.
Through the Cooperative Research Labs it promotes technological innovation and the development of research projects of member companies, providing them with an instrumentation and sensor system for marine monitoring and a supercomputing infrastructure, in order to implement and support the activities business research.