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ABS expanded their Comprehensive Industry-First Cyber Security Guidance Note


cyber-issue-absABS CyberSafetyTM series, a risk-based asset management program addressing key cyber issues, shares best practices for safety and security in marine and offshore environments and offers actionable guidance and integrated standards for system integrity verification.

ABS, a provider of classification and technical services to the global marine and offshore industries, presented their first comprehensive cyber security certification and optional notations for marine and offshore assets and facilities at the SMM international maritime trade fair.
Established at the beginning of 2016, the ABS CyberSafety™ laboratory have been working on the industry’s first risk-based management program for asset owners to apply best practice approaches to cyber security, automated systems safety, data integrity and software verification.

“The Cybersecurity Guidance Note is the first step toward developing a holistic and sustainable cybersecurity strategy,” says ABS Chairman, President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. “As automation has permeated vessel and onshore systems, it is more critical than ever that we provide the most comprehensive guidance to help asset owners, vendors, operators, crews and regulators develop a sustainable and measurable methodology for approaching cybersecurity and cyber-related safety concerns.”
The research project’s objectives included defining risk-based performance standards better, developing a maritime-specific framework for cyber policy, identifying critical points of cyber security failure, developing design requirements for a maritime cyber test-bed and investigating quantitative analysis tools to determine the effectiveness of cyber detection and deterrent strategies.
ABS CyberSafety™ defines a scalable approach that can be applied to a single component up to a multi-system suite of assets. The program also can be used with industry regulatory mechanisms within or external to the marine and offshore industries to achieve sustainable, measurable and secure asset condition.
“The ABS CyberSafety™ program provides a novel approach to address cyber-enabled systems protection in an extended set of engineering processes that emphasizes human and systems safety,” says ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Howard Fireman. “Asset owners will be able to organize security requirements, tasks and activities by prioritizing cyber-related work efforts based on what their organization can support and maintain, rather than as a checklist of controls.”

New volume releases and revisions in the ABS CyberSafety™ series include:
1. Guidance Notes on the Application of Cybersecurity Principles to Marine and Offshore Operations (revised and expanded)
2. Guide for Cybersecurity Implementation for the Marine and Offshore Industries
3. Guidance Notes on Data Integrity for Marine and Offshore Operations
4. Guide for Software Systems Verification
5. Guidance Notes on Software Provider Conformity Program



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